Does MovingWorlds have any religious affiliation? Do you share and promote any religion, religious groups, or religious message either directly or indirectly via our project postings?

Does MovingWorlds have any religious affiliation? Do you share and promote any religion, religious groups, or religious message either directly or indirectly via our project postings?

MovingWorlds is a neutral, secular organization that respects and works with people who aim to accelerate positive social, economic and environmental impact, regardless of their religious background, ethnicity or sexuality.

As such, we work with Organizations from all different backgrounds, including those with a religious affiliation or religious roots.

However, we do not match projects that seek to promote religious beliefs as the goal of the project in and of itself, that have an explicit religious mission or message, and/or that try to convert or benefit certain groups exclusively over others.

We'll always seek to communicate using neutral point of view (NPOV), which means representing facts fairly and in an unbiased manner, and we also look for this approach in the projects we promote.

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