How can I attract Experteers to my project? What types of benefits should I provide?

How can I attract Experteers to my project? What types of benefits should I provide?

Whether virtual or in-person, the most successful projects are the ones that include detailed information about your organization, the project, and any benefits that you might be able to provide to the selected Experteer.

For in-person engagements, we understand and appreciate that many social enterprises are working with minimal resources, and don’t expect every project to be able to cover flights, hotel, etc. You can get creative here- what are the things about your organization, your mission, and your location that could add value to the Experteer’s experience while on-site?

Examples of creative benefits we’ve seen successful in-person projects offer in the past include the use of a bicycle while on-site, a local tour, a team dinner, or even an invitation to join a staff-member and their family on a weekend outing.

Check out our Promote Your Project Toolkit for more ideas.

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