How do I turn on/off the emails and reminders I get for different support pillars within the TRANSFORM Support Hub?

How do I turn on/off the emails and reminders I get for different support pillars within the TRANSFORM Support Hub (like learning, community, and matching)?

As an on-demand accelerator, the TRANSFORM Support Hub is designed to be responsive to you - meaning that you can access the kind of support you need, when you need it (without getting reminders about the support pillars that you don’t need.)

When you join, you get access to four support pillars: 

  1. Pro bono support from experts 
  2. On-demand learning for scaling and selling
  3. Networking with peers and corporates
  4. Community & events

To help you get the most out of the available support, we send repeated notifications and nudges for each support pillar. When work is really busy, you may want to put some of the pillars on hold and resume at a later time. 

You  can “Toggle On” or “Toggle Off” access to each support pillar (and related emails) at any time from your dashboard.

When you log in to your dashboard, you’ll see the toggle button next to the following categories on the left-hand side: Request Support, Community, & Learning.


Request Support

When this category is toggled “on”, you will be able to request and receive support from experts, and also ask for help with corporate connections. If you are not interested in expert support at this time, simply click the toggle button to turn “off” which will change the color from blue to gray. 

When toggled “off,” you will no longer be discoverable by experts, any outstanding introduction requests to experts will be withdrawn, and any unmatched projects you have published at that time will automatically be un-published. However, any projects that are already matched will not be affected. 

When you’re ready to request support again, go to your dashboard and toggle the button back to “on,” and you will once again be discoverable by experts and able to initiate new support requests. Because unmatched projects were un-published when you turned the feature off, when you turn it back on, you’ll need to  re-publish any of the projects in that list that are still relevant to your current needs. You can do that by clicking “My Support Requests” on your dashboard here:



When this category is toggled “on,” you will be able to access the community platform for events, weekly resources, and peer-networking opportunities.  If you are not interested in using the community feature at this time, simply click the toggle button to turn “off” which will change the color from blue to gray. 

When toggled “off”, you will no longer receive posts and emails from the community platform, including the TRANSFORM weekly community post with tips, upcoming events, new member highlights, and funding & award opportunities . 

When you’re ready to engage in community again, go to your dashboard and toggle the button back to “on,” and you will once again be able to access the community platform for events, weekly resources, and peer-networking.


When this category is toggled “on”, you will be able to explore our Learning Platform to access content, learning modules, and guides to help you grow. If you are not interested in using the learning feature at this time, simply click the toggle button to turn “off” which will change the color from blue to gray.

When toggled “off”, you will no longer have access to our learning modules, courses, and guides. You will also no longer receive email reminders about suggested courses or courses in progress.

When you’re ready to engage in learning again, go to your dashboard and toggle the button back to “on”, and you will once again be able to access the Learning Platform and all associated learning modules, courses, and guides. Any progress you had previously made in any of the courses before you turned the feature “off” will automatically be restored when you turn it back to “on.”

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