What is the Organization/Project Vetting Process?

What is the Organization/Project Vetting Process?

Organizations can apply to and join our platform, free of charge. We review organizations to ensure they meet certain standards, and you can find further details about our vetting process below:

#1: Organization identification
We work with a global partnership network to identify locally-led impact projects — and the groups, teams, and organizations behind them — who can benefit from pro-bono support. These partners, many shown here, evangelize our service to these changemakers. We equip these partners with readiness resources, and often even manage orientation and training webinars to welcome their organizations into our network.
#2: Organization legality and mission alignment
To apply to join the MovingWorlds platform, organizations must first create an organization profile. We screen these organizations on a variety of factors to first ensure they are legal and legitimate organizations, and second to ensure that they have sustainable impact missions (it's where we also check to make sure they are not part of any watchdog lists). We also screen for factors related to organizational capacity at this stage, which you can learn more about on our host organization evaluation criteria page here.
#3: Project appropriateness
When organizations are approved to join our platform, they can then submit their most pressing needs following our project posting and scoping process. This article in SSIR helps explain our methodology further. In addition to vetting organizations, we also vet each and every project that is submitted to ensure it is skills-based, sustainable, has clear deliverables, and includes an element of skills transfer to build long-term organizational capacity.
#4: Project scope and alignment with you
Once introduced to an organization, you and the organization's representative will be guided through the matching process, which is detailed here. By collaborating on our Experteering Planning Guide, you'll have the chance to personally ask clarification questions and get to know the organization and its team so that you feel comfortable with the organization, team, mission, and work.