What is MovingWorlds and the Global Experteering Platform?
Do you have impact data that Experteering is actually working?
Yes! You can view our living impact report here. You can also read about our proven methodology in this Stanford Social Innovation Review Article. 95% of host organizations we have worked with confirmed that skilled volunteers have positively ...
What is MovingWorlds’ business model?
MovingWorlds is a Social Purpose Company, or SPC. That means that we are a for-profit with a social mission that measures success in terms of impact rather than solely financial bottom line, and that we re-invest the majority of our profits into ...
Does MovingWorlds have any religious affiliation? Do you share and promote any religion, religious groups, or religious message either directly or indirectly via our project postings?
MovingWorlds is a neutral, secular organization that respects and works with people who aim to accelerate positive social, economic and environmental impact, regardless of their religious background, ethnicity or sexuality. As such, we work with ...
What locations or countries does MovingWorlds focus on?
MovingWorlds is a global platform that facilitates the connection between Experteers and Organizations to support specific projects, and is location agnostic. Our platform has supported over 1,700 projects in more than 120 countries. Learn more about ...
Is MovingWorlds similar to a recruiting (temp) agency?
No, MovingWorlds is designed to create local jobs, not erode them. Experteers are most suitable to help solve an issue when local capacity does not exist, and the Experteer is also training and being prepared to focus on the transfer of knowledge ...
Do I need a profile? How do I set one up?
Yes, in order to start connecting with interested Experteers, you’ll need to complete the application for organizations, which will guide you through the process of creating an organization profile. To get started, complete the application form here, ...
Is it ok if I charge Experteers for hosting them?
No, as stated in our Hosting Principles, hosting organizations cannot charge Experteers, and in fact, we encourage you to provide local benefits - this is because our Experteers are skilled professionals and they provide immense value . While ...
Do you charge organizations to post projects/be matched with Experteers?
No, our services are free for social enterprises. Learn more about our offerings and how to get started here.
What’s the difference between Experteering and Voluntourism?
Voluntourism involves the participant providing free work to enhance their touristic experience, and often involves a “Pay to volunteer” fee. It’s typically designed around the desires of the tourist, rather than the real needs of the community ...
What does MovingWorlds do, and what is “Experteering?”
MovingWorlds operates a global platform that convenes partners from all sectors to build a more equitable, just, and sustainable economy by empowering social enterprises, and the people working with — and within — them. One of the ways we do that is ...